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Become a Beneficiary

The beneficiary selection process begins in September with Association Members nominating non-profit 501(c)(3) agencies to be considered. Nominated agencies are researched by members of the Dallas Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma's Philanthropy Committee, and in January the committee selects the Tablescapes beneficiaries. Those agencies selected as beneficiaries will receive proceeds from the Kappa Tablescapes event that occurs later in that year, in October. Funds are presented to agencies the following spring.


​To be eligible for nomination, an agency must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency serving constituents, citizens, and/or organizations in Dallas County. Each agency is required to meet with a Philanthropy Committee Researcher and provide required documentation and financial information, including the agency's 501(c)(3) letter and financial statements from the current and previous two years. The process, from nomination to being selected as a beneficiary to receiving proceeds from the Kappa Tablescapes event, takes approximately a year and a half.

Dallas Alumnae Association Members ~ Nominating an Agency

Members must comply with Philanthropy Committee Guidelines, must be members in good standing of the Dallas Alumnae Association, may nominate an agency by completing the Philanthropy Nomination Form, and may learn about and volunteer to become a Philanthropy Committee Researcher by logging in to the Member portion of the Kappa Dallas website.

Association Members in good standing may nominate an agency for consideration as a beneficiary. The Philanthropy Committee is responsible for researching and recommending a selection of beneficiaries to be recipients of proceeds from Kappa Tablescapes and presented for approval by the Dallas Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma Board. Funds raised for Kappa Tablescapes are administered by the Dallas Alumnae Association Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, Inc.


Become a Beneficiary

Please fill out this form to the best of your ability. Our Philanthropy Committee will reach out to you. 

I am nominating

Thank you for submitting a volunteer form. Our Volunteer Coordinator Will Contact You!

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